One of our main aims is to ensure that all members of the CBC College Community feel valued. Productive and enjoyable relationships will flow from this, and will acknowledge and value the individual differences of each member. In particular, we endeavour to encourage all to respect the spiritual, educational, mental, emotional, social and physical well-being of others. Our Pastoral Care Policy is based on the inherent goodness of each student.
Pastoral Care at CBC is based on the following:
- each person is created in the image of an all loving God
- all interactions at CBC are opportunities for learning
- each person is inherently good
- the role of teachers is to help our students to grow and develop as responsible people
- each person is unique, possessing special gifts
- each person’s way of thinking is considered
- each person needs to experience security and belonging
- members of the school community are encouraged to be empathic and supportive of each other.
For pastoral care to be effective, students need to experience an atmosphere of respect, love and support, which is communicated through a variety of interpersonal contacts where the members of the school community take a personal interest in each other. As caring adults we are real to our students, to help them in their personal growth without abandoning our own identity. Staff offering guidance and correction as an avenue for learning, to enhance the best interests of the individual and the school community. The College has adopted a philosophy in Pastoral Care of Restorative Justice, which provides the College with a framework of management that complements the role of natural consequences.
Most Pastoral Care occurs in the daily interaction and activity of the school and is carried out by all members of the school community. It comes through the ordinary interaction between staff and students. It is often unplanned, and sometimes even unconscious, because it is a disposition. Pastoral Care involves attitudes and relationships both inside and outside the classroom. It is both proactive and reactive to best serve the needs of the College community.
The belief that we value others leads us to act in certain ways. Our Student Management Policy outlines the framework within which we operate. As we help our students grow into adulthood, we exercise care and concern for them. We try to accentuate the positive elements, and help students develop individually and collectively. They therefore become conscious of the consequences of their behaviour and take ownership and responsibility for their actions.