Year 8 Program

“The Year 8 program inspires students to become independent, collaborative learners. Their participation in a contemporary educational environment and engagement with cross-curricular work through project based learning allows each boy to identify their individual strengths and interests."

The Year 8 program builds on the strong foundation commenced in Year 7 and continues the emphasis on making connections between learning and developing high level skills.  Students undertake studies from the core areas of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, and the Humanities.

Studies in Japanese and Italian are also offered and the students complete outcomes in both the Creative and Performing Arts, undertaking work across the range of Arts disciplines including Music, Art, Visual Communication and Design, Manual Arts and Drama.  

Moving on from the more integrated course offered at Year 7 the program focuses on building particular learning capacities which support student learning and achievement.

These include the ability to: be resourceful learners, show perseverance and resilience when facing new concepts and developing new understandings, undertake reflective processes to improve learning, and develop effective interpersonal learning skills which will encourage cooperative work with their peers and with other facilitators in the learning process, such as teachers, community organisations, external experts and presenters.

At the completion of the year students are well prepared to be independent and efficient learners capable of taking up the challenges presented by the Year 9 program while having developed a strong basis for encouraging high academic achievement.

Project Based Learning
Authentic Learning Experience
Fostering Independence

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