“The senior studies program embeds the contemporary learning strategies that students have been exposed to throughout their CBC journey to not only apply this to the completion of their schooling but as a tool to inform their decisions for their continued path beyond the College.”
CBC provides a carefully and seamlessly integrated Senior Pathways Program for our students in Years 11 and 12. The College is committed to ensuring that our students are motivated and focused on not only what they learn but who they are as lifelong learners. The Senior School focus continues to build and develop self-confidence in our young people. From this platform, working toward their personal best becomes an appealing and achievable goal.
Along with the achievement of the accreditation that comes with the completion of secondary schooling, the CBC senior program places a focus on who our students are becoming and looks to equip them with the tools to continue their learning and to be mindful of themselves and others both in their immediate and wider relationships and communities. The program looks to develop engaged, resilient young people who are challenged to serve as global citizens.