School Facilities

While one of the oldest schools in Melbourne, CBC St Kilda possesses extensive learning facilities and a vibrant learning culture. The College has four Science Laboratories, a major Music Centre with an outdoor concert stage and a three storey Creative Arts Centre which is used for Design Technology, Art, Ceramics, and Visual Communication and Design. In addition, there is easy and comprehensive student access to technology through the 1:1 device program, and data projection facilities in all learning spaces. Most importantly, the infrastructure for the use of digital technology is sound, enabling curriculum and pedagogies that integrate ICT as part of the learning.

Stage 1 Part A of the Master Plan developed in 2012 saw the upgrading of the Undercroft area with a brand new Canteen, up-to-date Students Plaza with views to Alma Park, multi-purpose rooms and new toilets. The Canteen provides healthy, reasonably priced snacks and meals for students and staff at both recess and lunchtime. They also provide catering for College meetings and events.

The College also boasts a 25m heated indoor swimming pool, which is used as part of the Health and Physical Education program; for swimming training, as well as being utilised outside of school hours by an independent swim school for members of the local community. This was refurbished in 2014 as part of Stage 1 Part B of the College Master Plan, and opened the pool precinct up to views of Alma Park through the use of glass walls. Toilets and change rooms were also upgraded. The Gym and Fitness area which was refurbished at the same time as the pool, is also used by both students, and members of the public outside of school hours.

Other facilities include Ward Theatre which is used for smaller drama work, while major music and drama productions are held in Logue Hall or at the National Theatre in St Kilda. The beautiful Edmund Rice Chapel is used on a regular basis for classroom Masses and for quiet reflection by both staff and students.

Markillie Library was named after Mr Ray Markillie, a benefactor of the College, whose donations were used to establish the original Library. In 1978, the library was enlarged and re-designed, and again in 1999, the Library underwent a major refurbishment which saw it transformed into a multi-media resource centre. Changes to the current Library are proposed as part of the new Master Plan being developed.

As mentioned above, the College Board is currently undertaking work on a new College Master Plan which will focus on a number of priorities including creation of contemporary learning spaces for Year 7 and 8, as well as updating staff precincts, creation of a hall, performance and auditorium precinct, and refurbishment of the College entry, reception and student services. These works will involve considerable modernisation of the existing site and the addition of facilities to further enhance the learning experiences of all students. The Board has engaged the services of Katsieris Origami to collaboratively work with all members of the CBC community in the development of the plan.


Sporting Facilities
  • Indoor heated swimming pool
  • Weights room and gym facilities
  • Two Basketball courts
  • Two Cricket nets
  • Hall (for table tennis, badminton and other indoor sports)
  • Alma Park: one grassed oval and two hectares of parklands.

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