Scholarships and Bursaries

CBC St Kilda invites applications from interested families for our Scholarship and Bursaries Program for Years 7 - 12. Please see the following explanation and criteria.

CBC St Kilda has established a range of academic scholarships to encourage the enrolment of students who strive for excellence to the College and to encourage students already enrolled at CBC to achieve the highest standards possible. All scholarships are open to current and prospective students. There are three types of scholarships on offer:

  • CBC St Kilda Academic Scholarship
  • CBC St Kilda Performing Arts Scholarship
  • CBC St Kilda Sports Scholarship
Criteria for Awarding Scholarships

A Scholarship student may be selected from any year level if he/she has demonstrated outstanding performance over a period of time at CBC. Students who are new to the school, such as those coming into Year 7, as well as from another school, are also welcome to apply. School reports must reflect an individual who is committed to CBC life, including very high positive Student Performance Indicators (SPI) and involvement in co-curricular activities, with a particular emphasis on Social Justice. The content and quality of expression of an applicant's statement must be of a very high standard. In an interview, the applicant must present themselves well, express themselves capably and demonstrate a capacity to be a high achieving student at CBC. There must be demonstrated strong support from parents/carers for the applicant.

Selection Process

Students who already hold a scholarship do not need to re-apply each year.  Instead, the student's performance will be reviewed by the relevant Year Level Pastoral Leader and Head of Teaching and Learning.  An interview with parent and student will be arranged if necessary.  A letter advising outcome of scholarship will be mailed by mid-November.  Students not receiving a scholarship but would like to be considered for the next year must submit an application by 30 September and the following procedure applies:

  • The family submit the application form to the College Registrar, along with references from a third party such as a coach (in the case of a Sporting Scholarship), music, dance or acting teacher (in the case of Performing Arts Scholarship), and a tutor or teacher (in the case of an academic scholarship).
  • Applicants may have an initial meeting with their current Pastoral Leader, the Director of Teaching and Learning, the Principal or a panel made up of any of these staff members.
  • Once the recommendation has been accepted, the Director of Teaching and Learning may then meet with the applicant and his/her family to discuss the expectations and implications of the scholarship.
  • Scholarship recipients are kept confidential. This information is known only to the College Principal, the Deputy Principal, the Director of Teaching and Learning, the Business Manager, the relevant Program Leader and the College Registrar.

All current student recipients must also have attained an exemplary attendance record at the College. Once a scholarship has been offered and accepted, an agreement is entered into that is beneficial to both the student and their family and the College. As a condition of acceptance of the scholarship, students are required to remain at CBC for a period of two years

Closing Dates

Scholarship Applications for Year 7 for 2021 close on 30 September 2020.  Scholarship Applications for Year 7 2022 will close on 9 October 2020.  All applications for Year 7 scholarships need to be received by the College by this time to be eligible.  The outcome of the Year 7, 2022 scholarship application is expected to be advised at time of offer for 2022 place (mid October 2020). 

Scholarship applications for year levels other than Year 7 need to be received by the College no later than 31 August of each year. Any applications received after this date will not be considered. Click here to download a PDF of the Application for Scholarship.  Please note that Bursary applications are accepted all year.


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