Located in the beautiful inner city Melbourne suburb of St Kilda East and close to the beach, CBC St Kilda is an attractive option for international students wishing to obtain a high quality Australian education in a well-respected school community. At CBC St Kilda all students are encouraged to take a global perspective on their education and to consider the opportunity they have to meaningfully contribute to the world. The College invites international students to study and share their knowledge and culture, and become part of our CBC St Kilda community.
Christian Brothers’ College St Kilda (CBC St Kilda) is becoming a co-educational school in 2021 and will enrol girls as well as boys, subject to VRQA approval. We are also changing our name at the end of 2020.
We are proud to welcome international students each year from all over the world. Our international students join the rich history and inclusive community that has been educating young people here for over 140 years. CBC St Kilda is a multicultural community, where students of all cultures, religions and backgrounds are welcomed and included. CBC staff and students are excited to be a part of our International Student Program, providing both domestic and overseas students with the opportunity to interact and learn from each other.
The CBC St Kilda International Student Program is fully integrated within all the College’s domestic year level programs and learning areas, affording our international students the opportunity to make strong connections with Australian students, and to further develop both their spoken and written English language skills. We offer an innovative and challenging curriculum, including our VCE qualification program.
CBC St Kilda offers international students:
- A central location, only 6km from the Melbourne CBD
- Excellent public transport links
- Homestay choices within 30 minutes of the school
- Practical programs that encourage student participation, teamwork, leadership and mentoring
- A wide range of VCE subjects and additional academic and co-curricular opportunities including music, sport and the arts
- A comprehensive Pastoral Care Program
- Experienced and dedicated College leaders, teachers and support staff
- A dedicated International Student Coordinator
Underpinning the CBC St Kilda International Student Program is the need to assist the transition of our international students from another cultural environment and a different style of learning, to life and study in Australia. Along with contemporary classroom opportunities, implicit in the program is a strategy of wellbeing that connects our students with each other, with their classmates, with their learning and with the school, providing overseas students with a sense of belonging.
International Student Coordinator
Our dedicated International Student Coordinator, Ms Naomi Chen, is committed to delivering an exceptional standard of support to our international students. She is the first point of contact for our international students, their families and agents. Ms Chen comes from a Chinese background and appreciates that the cultural needs of international students must be attended to thoughtfully and with understanding. She quickly develops a rapport with new overseas students and their families through listening to and identifying the individual needs of each student. This helps students settle in quickly to their new home and school environment. Ms Chen has also developed strong links with our Homestay Provider families, facilitating a strong connection for international students between home and school. Ms Chen welcomes new overseas student enrolment or homestay provider enquiries via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enrolment of International Students
To find out more about the CBC St Kilda International Program or to make an enrolment enquiry, please contact:
- Ms Naomi Chen International Student Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- College Registrar Telephone: + 61 3 9520 8589
Enrolment Procedure
CBC St Kilda Enrolment Booklet
Education Agents
Homestay Provider Information
CBC St Kilda is proud to have an International Student Program that is continually developing and growing. Some international students are not able to stay with a parent during their time in Australia and need Homestay accommodation to provide them with a place to live that is warm, caring and suitable for their needs. Expressions of interest are invited for Homestay hosts who are willing to care for culturally and linguistically diverse students in their homes. Hosting periods can range from six months to two years, depending on individual circumstances. All potential Homestay hosts will be assessed for suitability and matched with an appropriate student. If you would like to know more about hosting an international student in your home, or the CBC St Kilda International Student Program, please email our International Student Coordinator, Ms Naomi Chen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Homestay Provider Application Form
Policies and Procedures
English Language Proficiency and Educational Qualifications Policy
International Students Marketing Policy
International Student Transfers Policy
Younger International Students Policy
International Students Monitoring Course Progress, Attendance and Duration Policy
Minimum Attendance and Satisfactory Course Progress Requirements
International Students Refund Policy
International Students Complaints Handling Policy
International Students Complaints Appeals Policy
CBC St Kilda Complaint Policy and Procedures
CBC/EREA Privacy Policy
Further CBC St Kilda Policies can be found here
Further information regarding Child Safety at CBC St Kilda can be found here
Christian Brothers College St Kilda’s International Student Program has been designed in accordance with the ESOS legislative framework (ESOS Framework) to ensure that the College complies with its legal and regulatory requirements, provides quality education, and supports the integrity of Australia’s student visa program. The College is committed to compliance with the National Code of Practice for Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (the National Code). The National Code is a set of nationally consistent standards that govern the protection of overseas students and delivery of courses to those students by providers registered with CRICOS – the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. For further information about the ESOS Framework, or studying in Australia, please click on the following links: Australian Government International Education Factsheet: https://internationaleducation.gov.au/Regulatory-Information/Documents/esosstudentfactsheetv4%20-%20Final%20clean%20copy.pdf Department of Home Affairs Student and Guardian Visa information: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder/studyCRICOS Provider No. 00743E