Enrolment Policy

CBC St Kilda will offer a comprehensive and contemporary educational program for girls and boys for 2021 and beyond.  Join us on our new and exciting journey.

CBC St Kilda’s enrolment process operates with the Enrolment Guidelines of Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM). Students who are Catholic receive priority when enrolling at CBC St Kilda, however, the College welcomes enrolments from all students, including those from other Christian and faith traditions.

Please note that enrolments for girls are subject to CBC St Kilda achieving re-registration with VRAQ, a process the College is currently undertaking. 

Enrolment Priorities 

Please see our Enrolment Policy for a full list of enrolment priorities at CBC St Kilda for processing applications for entry at Year 7.  Places have been held for PCW students and these enrolments will be given priority. 


Suburb School 
Brighton St James' School
Brighton St Joan of Arc School
Brighton East St Finbar’s School
Clifton Hill St John’s School
Collingwood St Joseph’s School
Elsternwick St Joseph’s School
Elwood St Columba’s School
Glenhuntly St Anthony’s School
Malvern St Joseph's School
Prahran East Our Lady of Lourdes School
Richmond North Trinity Catholic School
Spotswood St Margaret Mary’s School
South Melbourne Galilee Regional School
St Kilda East St Mary’s School
Yarraville St Augustine’s School

The offer of enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal who will consider each case on its merits in light of enrolment priorities and the College Mission Statement, and taking into account any special circumstance.

Click here to view CBC St Kilda’s complete Student Enrolment Policy.


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